Personal Power Program

The Personal Power Program – Brings You Something to Think About

Dopamine! Let’s face it, we all have additive habits. Learning how to balance our lives is what stops those additive habits. Imagen dying from an addictive habit of drinking too much water.  If we listen and learn from this we just might get an idea of what additive habits we might be inclined to have and how to balance them. It’s not the item. It’s the balance of that item or issue that counts!

If you are wondering where all this AI information is leading us, this is the time to find out!

Bashar teaches us how to redefine the limiting concepts that keep us from manifesting what we desire and what best serves us in life. Take the path of least resistance and align with your true self in “The Manifestation Space.”
Are you ready for more perspectives that actually makes your life more enjoyable?
Darryl Anka through his channeling of the Bashar is an amazing journey worth taking!


Dr Bruce LiptonHow We Are Programmed at Birth – and Why Some People Remain in Poverty

Reprogramming our mind is a huge undertaking.  People are always asking, “What’s the Meaning of Life”?  To say it’s feeling good just seems too simple. To say it’s all just a matter of choice seems too simple. What if it seems too hard because it actually is so simple, and we just do not want to except that.  Is it too hard because we have been programmed from birth to believe it can’t be that simple so it must be really hard, to find the meaning of life.

The Personal Power Project is what it is.  An endless number of projects to solve our energy problems.  We are including the information below to give you back the power you were born with.  We know if you invest some of your time here you will find your true, happy, good feeling self!

In the beginning was the WORD and from that all was created.  What does the Power of our Word have to do with the Personal Power Project?  For those that think it has something to do with religion, it can, and some just call it our higher Power.  As you will begin to see it means different things to different people, and constantly changes as we grow and expand our conscious mind.

The Personal Power Project was actually born out of my desire for personal development, growth and the companies and people who helped me on my path.  We talk a lot about Renewable Energy here.  Make no mistake it’s more than just solar.  Imagine waking up each day and looking in the mirror and seeing your face and saying, “I feel Renewed Energy from my good night’s sleep, and I feel as excited about every day, as I did when I was a child!”  We get to enjoy each day unwrapping all those presents.  It might be a new job, traveling on a vacation, a new girlfriend or boyfriend, a great book to read.  Each day is a new and great adventure, and you just never know what is inside all those presents!  We can be present and open to the possibility of each and every new day!

The power of our word is where our true power comes from.  Once we begin to understand how powerful our word is we will begin to understand how we have the power to stop all wars, in our mind, in our home, our community, our country, and the world around us.

My new mantra is “Opinions are like Awesome! Everybody has one”.  When we begin to understand everyone has the right to their own opinion and everyone’s opinion is right for them, we begin to understand that doesn’t mean it is right for me or most of the world.  We can then see who they are being.  We can just let them express their opinion without making them wrong and without debating our opinion about their opinion and trying to be right about our opinion.  We then have the opportunity to listen and learn something from them that could help us grow in some way.  We are starting to see who we all are, one person, and that one person at our best is love.  Who we are and who we are being is very different.  When we listen to someone’s Awesome Opinion, we get to see who they are being, and know they are right because we all create our own opinions just as we create our own life, out of our own opinions.  It’s like looking through a very clear glass window to see who they are being.  We might end up thinking “they are awesome” or we might start running away from them as fast as we can.  What matters is that we keep heading in the direction of what feels good and moving away from what feels bad.  We are not here to fix anyone.  We can barely fix ourselves although we can keep heading in a direction that feels good. Consciously programing our mind is a lifelong journey and it might just be the meaning in life.  We might be here to expand and grow our conscious minds so that we remember who we are, where we came from, where we are going, and how to feel good, while enjoying our never-ending journey, over and over again.

Who would you have to be to play this game?
Everyone Included, No One Left Out!

In order for us to help express the Power of Our Word we have a family story we would like to share with you.

The Family Story – It brings tears to my eyes every time I read this!


Evan Carmichael – Let’s give credit where credit is due. Evan Carmichael has interviewed just about every incredible person and their thoughts on the planet, so check out what he has to offer!


Abraham HicksA great source for gaining your Personal Power!
I love this woman!  She makes my life so easy to love how I feel 😍!
You do get what you Focus on, and Esther Hicks has many wonderful insights as to what it takes to be happy and feel good in life.
Don’t pass up on her all that she has to offer!

Who would you have to be to play this game?
Everyone Included, No One Left Out!

Landmark WorldwideI feel this education constantly recreates who am! I celebrate it ever 10 years! The new me!


The Hunger Project – We are modeling the Personal Power Project from the same organization that created The Hunger Project from Landmark Education.  Here you can see what is really possible and just how big the possibility is.  Join us and share the excitement as we help people gain their personal power and freedom one person at a time.


Reverse your age by 20 years! Got to love that!


Be a part of the Personal Power Project and experience what happens as you begin to empower yourself and those around you.

Your Contact Information – is all we need to get you started! Join us and we will include you and the difference you make!