No More Free Data Mining

Great article – Silicon Valley siphons our data like oil. But the deepest drilling has just begun

Here is our comment – No More Free Data Mining – when this becomes our mantra, we will not need a universal paycheck as promoted by Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft, Amazon, and the rest who will fool us into living in poverty. Interesting that they have never suggested No More Free Data Mining as a way to put the earning power back to the people. They know it would cost them a lot more then a universal paycheck which is a smoke screen of avoidance to the true value of our worth. If they had to pay every minute of everyday, they Data Mined us, we can choose when to turn that income off and on, while watching our accounts grow. If we are to be automated out of jobs in the future we had better look at the value we offer as consumers. They may have money, but they don’t have the power of voters and they don’t want their infrastructure burnt to the ground. No More Free Data Mining.