Electric Vehicles

We at the Personal Power Project are not selling Electric Vehicles.  We are proud to inform you and direct you to those that are selling the latest Electric Vehicles.  We also would like to help you understand the journey from where we came to why and where we are going as seen below.

Be sure to see – EV Charging Off Grid – Personal Power Project


Empulse – Yes! It’s Electric!



 Oh yeah, it’s a Tesla.  Click and see.


InsideEVs – Great site for tracking EVs


Allison Ringold Electric Car Then and Now is a great collection of history, links, and videos.


Tesla Motors Model S this is a must see at 300 miles per 1 charge!

Who Killed the Electric Car? See the Video

Revenge of the Electric Car.  A Great trailer and movie.  A must see!

www.plugincars.com Check out the latest and greatest

Get the latest Auto info on going green!

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