by Dan Ringwald / on 4 July, 2022

Optical Illusion?

Nissan Leaf 2020 and Electrify Americas Optical Illusion 1% of the population can spot this optical illusion in the first 10 seconds! BS? ...
by Dan Ringwald / on 25 February, 2022

Solar Rights

Solar Rights Alliance - We have a suggestion! Utility Companies - Get into the Rooftop Solar Game! Utility companies nationwide are already co...
by Dan Ringwald / on 11 November, 2021

PG&E claims home solar is racist, wants to gut program

Full Article - I am sure if you checked PG&E most of their Investors are white, so stop the race card.  That is just another smoke screen.  The
by Dan Ringwald / on 6 November, 2021

What’s The Best EV?

Great video review!  It's worth your time to do the research.  For the last 12 years we have only leased EV's as they change so fast and it's all
by Dan Ringwald / on 22 May, 2021

2022 F-150 Lightning

Finally! An EV that will Power your home when the grid goes down! Let games begin!  Full article here 2022 F-150 Lightning - looks great! 2022 F
by Dan Ringwald / on 22 May, 2021

It’s the Shits – Septic Genie

Happy Recovery! 2021 – from Covid Lockdown! – Full Article here We are getting closer to SB REIA Meetings at the Marriott! It’s looking like S
by Dan Ringwald / on 30 December, 2020

Dancing with the Robots

Looks like we will be dancing with the robots! Boston Dynamics Robots
by Dan Ringwald / on 11 June, 2020

Why Battery Electric Vehicles Win

This Stunning Chart Shows Why Battery Electric Vehicles Win Here is an image we can keep in our minds for a long time!  Great article that shows
by Dan Ringwald / on 25 December, 2019

CA Power Outage Way of Life

How Power Shut Offs are changing California's Way of Life Every gas station, grocery store and restaurant closed due to massive power shut offs a
by Dan Ringwald / on 2 November, 2019

2.5 Million CA PG&E Customers Power Out for Days!

2.5 million CA PG&E Customers Power Out for Days! Who you Gonna Call when your Power is Out? Now is the time for you to start making your ...