Author: Dan Ringwald

by Dan Ringwald / on 25 March, 2014


I am always amazed of the things I can find clicking through the Personal Power Project website.  From the Power of our Word and the Family Story page there is a link to and from there I found the Overview.  This is an amazing story
by Dan Ringwald / on 1 November, 2013

2045 Avatar The Personal Power Project is all about Personal Power.  There is an organization on the planet that is taking this Personal Power all the way into the Future.  Infinity and Beyond!  My first thought was, we went to the moon 40 years ago
by Dan Ringwald / on 27 January, 2013


Are Robots hurting job growth? What is important for understanding the type of jobs and career we look for.
by Dan Ringwald / on 20 December, 2012

Go Solar

Guess who is finally going Solar !!! There is a good reason I, Dan Ringwald at National Home Buyers, LLC, went with Solar City.  Click on the picture and you will see.  If you are still not sure get back to me for the details on the
by Dan Ringwald / on 12 December, 2012

Elon Musk Chat

Probably the number one person on the planet today for expanding personal power.  A one hour chat with Elon on Space X, Tesla, Solar City, and more.  Very interesting information from a top innovator of our time.
by Dan Ringwald / on 10 December, 2012

Solar Power Revolution

Here in the USA it might feel like not much is happening with solar power but Germany is showing that the Solar Power Revolution is just beginning!
by Dan Ringwald / on 7 November, 2012

Telsa Motors Free Charge Stations

This will be a huge boost for California, Electric cars, and Tesla Motors. Tesla Free Charge Stations!
by Dan Ringwald / on 5 October, 2012

Spherical Flying Machine

  Now this is something very new and different.  It will be interesting to see the personal power uses for this machine. Check this out!!!
by Dan Ringwald / on 22 September, 2012


Emotional Memories Can Be Erased From Our Brains Now here is something for the Power of Our Word section. Emotional memories that are recently formed can be erased from the human brain. A new study by Thomas Ågren, a doctoral candidate at the Department
by Dan Ringwald / on 11 February, 2012

Tesla Model S

Yes, it’s the Tesla Model S !!!! 300 miles on 1 charge !!!!!!!!!  check this out!